
Chiara Bignardi
Born in Copparo (Ferrara), Italy
Lives & works in Ferrara, Italy
I was born in Copparo (Ferrara - Italy) in 1968, I studied as a civil engineer, I live and work in Italy and for years I’d been fond of abstract painting, photography and poetry.
The love for the Arts was born in me since childhood, thanks to the foresight of my family, even if not rich, to let me see exhibitions, museums, and later to attend concerts and theater performances.
For a long time I’d been accompanied by the poetry writing and photography (portraits, landscapes, architecture); I later discovered abstract painting as an expressive way to describe the most intimate and emotional human soul through color, as well as through the words.
Poetry and painting are inspired by each other, giving a body and a face inwards. So I find myself beyond the bustle of life, inspired by life itself, taken by the urgent desire to tell about it. Through words and colors you can discover an unexpected beauty of the soul, in all its nuances.
Painting is, therefore, characterized by the intensity and the presence of many colors, as well as materic textures, obtained through acrylic medium, spread not only with a brush and through the use, often, of other mixed media.
Sono nata a Copparo (Ferrara - Italia) nel 1968, ho studiato ingegneria civile, vivo e lavoro in Italia e da anni sono appassionata di pittura astratta, poesia e fotografia.
L'amore per l'arte è nato in me fin dall'infanzia, grazie alla lungimiranza della mia famiglia che, anche se non ricca, mi ha permesso di visitare mostre, musei e, in seguito, di assistere a concerti e spettacoli teatrali.
Per molto tempo sono stata accompagnata nel mio percorso dalla scrittura di poesie e dalla fotografia (ritratti, paesaggi, architettura); in seguito ho scoperto la pittura astratta come un modo espressivo per descrivere l'animo umano nei suoi aspetti più intimi ed emotivi attraverso il colore, oltre che attraverso le parole.
La poesia e la pittura sono ispirate l'una dall'altra, dando un corpo ed un volto all’interiorità. Così mi ritrovo al di là del turbinio della vita, ispirata dalla vita stessa, presa dall'urgente desiderio di raccontarla. Attraverso parole e colori si può scoprire una bellezza inaspettata dell'anima, in tutte le sue sfumature.
La pittura è quindi caratterizzata dall'intensità e dalla presenza di molti colori, così come da trame materiche, ottenute attraverso colori acrilici e l’uso di vari altri media, nonchè di diverse tecniche.
Graduated in Civil Engineering
Exhibitions & Festivals
“Naturali emozioni cromatiche” - June 2011 with the patronage of the municipality of Voghiera (FE), Italy, as part of the event "Summer in Belriguardo".
“Naturali emozioni cromatiche 2012” – October 2012, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy
“Poesia del colore” – July-September 2013, Voghiera (FE), Italy
“Poesia del colore 1.1” – October 2013, at Auxing cultural center, Bondeno (FE), Italy
“Policromia d’arti”, April-May 2014 at Concordia Theatre, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy
“Così come sono”, October 2014, at Concordia Theatre, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy
"Della perfetta imperfezione (e altre circostanze)" June,13-August,30 2015, Voghiera (FE), Italy
"Cercando vicinanze" - October 31-November 13, 2015 at Concordia Theatre, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy
“La forza dell’Arte” – June 3-16, 2017 - at Concordia Theatre, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy
“Le parole contano” – January 7 – March 3, 2018 at Delizia Estense di Belriguardo, Voghiera (FE), Italy
"Colori dalle nebbie - Omaggio a Paolo Benvegnù e Nicholas Ciuferri", September 5th to October 18th, 2020 at Delizia Estense di Belriguardo, Voghiera (Ferrara), Italy
With the Art Group Concordia, Portomaggiore (FE), Italy:
Group exhibition for the opening of the new premises of the Association, January 2013
Group exhibition dedicated to the International Women's Day, 2-28 February 2013
Group exhibition dedicated to the opening of the fourth edition of the “Portuense Spring” event, March 30-April 5, 2013
Group exhibition from April 6 to 30, 2013, Arteconcordia exhibition hall, Portomaggiore
Group exhibition at Portomaggiore town, 2013, September 13 to 16, during the annual fair
Group exhibition “Festa della donna”, March 2014,
With Accademia dei Partenopei, Napoli, Italy:
Ars Divinae, September 2014
ParlArti, November 2014
Tre ½, February 2015
MulticulturArte, April 2015
RaccomandArti, September 2015
“2015”,December 2015
Senza confini, January 2016
SognARTI, March 2016
InnamorARTI, June 2016, at Auditorium al Duomo, Firenze
VirgilOVO, February 2017, at prestigious Castel dell’Ovo, Napoli
Arte Napoli, October 19th to 26th,2018 at Chiesa di Santa Maria del Parto, Mergellina, Napoli
Arte Napoli II Edizione, July 3rd to 14th, 2020 at Castel Dell'Ovo, Sala delle Carceri, Napoli
With MARZIA FROZEN, Berlin, Germany:
Deconstruction , Berlin - October 10-30, 2015
With ARTEFICIOlinea Events
ArtProtagonist 2015, December 6th, 2015 – January 15th, 2016, Villa Contarini, Piazzola sul Brenta (Padova)
With Mega Art Association, Corchiano (VT), Italy:
Group exhibition 3rd INTERNATIONAL PRIZE "CITTA’ DI CORCHIANO", December 2013- January 2014, Corchiano (VT), Italy
“Notte Bianca Città di Corchiano”, July, 19th 2014
4th INTERNATIONAL PRIZE "CITTA’ DI CORCHIANO", December 2014- January 2015, Corchiano (VT), Italy
Group exhibition 5th INTERNATIONAL PRIZE "CITTA’ DI CORCHIANO", December 2015- January 2016, Corchiano (VT)
Mega Art Group exhibition ”Tutti i colori di Mega Art”, October 2017, Corchiano (VT)
Mega Art Group exhibition ”Nel Tempo”, December 9th to 23rd 2017, Corchiano (VT)
“I miei colori”, July 6th to 13th 2018 at Pocket Art Studio, Rome, Italy
“Sensazioni di infinito”, November 9th to 15th , 2018 at Pocket Art Studio, Rome, Italy
Mega Art Group exhibition “Dalla terra al cielo”, December 15th to 29th, 2018, Corchiano (VT)
“Attimi di vita”, June 14th to 21st, 2019 at Pocket Art Studio, Rome, Italy
“Un mondo di colori”, September 30th to October 8th, 2019, at Art Studio Loreta Larkina, Venice, Italy
“Non solo piccolo formato”, December 14th to 28th, 2019 at Mega Art Gallery, Corchiano (VT)
"Il colore delle emozioni", June 12th to 19th, 2020 at Simultanea Spazi d'Arte, Florence, Italy
"L'arte non ha confini", November 27th to December 4th, 2020 at 3D High Resolution At Gallery
With Fondazione Mazzoleni
"Rinascimento Italiano", July 11th to August 8th, 2020 at Fondazione Mazzoleni Art Gallery, Alzano Lombardo (Bergamo), Italy
2012 - book "Ci vorrebbe il sole"
2015 - book "Hai fatto di me diamante"
2019 - book "It would take the sun" (English version)